Cranberry Township, PA
Next7 IT
Provided objective tenant representation services

Founded in 2010, Next7 IT is an award-winning managed IT services company based in the Pittsburgh area with a consistent history of success and growth. With both technical ability and customer service soft skills, team members are as versatile as they are talented. As technology generalists, they can handle the varying needs of small to medium size businesses. When Next7 IT needed to double the size of its Pittsburgh area office to support the growing needs of its company, they turned to Carrie for help.
Carrie completed a needs analysis study, then prepared a market survey of all viable office spaces to meet these needs. Multiple buildings were toured and the top choices were identified. A detailed request for proposal was sent to the top choices and upon its return a financial analysis and comparison of the proposals was prepared and reviewed. Test fit plans were completed and priced at the buildings selected for further consideration. The market was then leveraged to negotiate attractive business terms at multiple buildings and ultimately a protective lease was secured at the top building.
- Relocated to upgraded building to retain & attract top talent
- Doubled size of office to support future company success
- Competitive base rent + valuable free rent package
- Turnkey construction by Landlord
- Flexibility to expand
- Option to renew
- Lease protections